We are trying to get things more set up more like our house was in Germany, and beyond that even more Montessori friendly. I got some great finds at Hobbly Lobby, natural material baskets, sea sponges for painting, and some great tempra paints. Big little had a great time painting with sponges, and little little has enjoyed mouthing them and feeling the textures.
I got Creative Play in the mail a few days ago and am loving it, it's a Waldorf based book that explains the development behind the play, and is full of diy toy projects to promote playful learning with your children. The "Standing Puppet" below is far from perfect but the boys are loving it! It promotes play based on observation, and gives the boys an outlet to play out there emotions and situations that happen through out the day. Its a great way to work through any situation they are having a hard time dealing with, or understanding!